Every find yourself with a low battery at the end of the night? Maybe your alternator belt popped off, maybe you don't run one and forgot to charge the battery, or maybe you just had something go wrong and your down to about 8v at just the wrong time!
We have a way to help!! The Legacy Race Products LED Voltage Gauge! We designed this gauge to have a small footprint with a bright display. Super simple to install, you just have to zip tie it to the surface you want it mounted and attach a power and ground wire! The back side has a groove in it designed to fit 1.5 and 1.75 roll bar tubing. It also has flat sides in case installation is wanted on a flat surface!
We even include butt connectors and ring terminals to make installation easy!
When assembling each piece we hook it up to a power supply and calibrate each gauge to read 12.2v at 12.2v. We have tested these gauges to read accurately from 5v to 24v. They are NOT rated for more then 24v. Anything over 24v and you will damage the circuit board.
All colors come with a BLUE LED display. We tested out other colors but the blue remains the most visible in all conditions.
The picture of the reading is being done with a Craftsman 20v cordless tool battery, hence the higher voltage.
These are available in Orange, Black, Blue, Green, Purple, White, Red, Yellow, and Magenta.
We have a way to help!! The Legacy Race Products LED Voltage Gauge! We designed this gauge to have a small footprint with a bright display. Super simple to install, you just have to zip tie it to the surface you want it mounted and attach a power and ground wire! The back side has a groove in it designed to fit 1.5 and 1.75 roll bar tubing. It also has flat sides in case installation is wanted on a flat surface!
We even include butt connectors and ring terminals to make installation easy!
When assembling each piece we hook it up to a power supply and calibrate each gauge to read 12.2v at 12.2v. We have tested these gauges to read accurately from 5v to 24v. They are NOT rated for more then 24v. Anything over 24v and you will damage the circuit board.
All colors come with a BLUE LED display. We tested out other colors but the blue remains the most visible in all conditions.
The picture of the reading is being done with a Craftsman 20v cordless tool battery, hence the higher voltage.
These are available in Orange, Black, Blue, Green, Purple, White, Red, Yellow, and Magenta.